Dimtze: Marinated anchovies - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Tuna salad - Poros, greece
Dimtze: Cheese and Honey Pie - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Barbecued Octopus - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Bacon & Cheese Salad - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: On Board to Poros - Galatas, Greece
Dimtze: Admire The View - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Refliections... - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Woman admiring the sunset - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: The 'Russian Dockyard' - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: The 'Russian Dockyard' - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Shoot the Shooter - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: hide and seek - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Fisherman - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: The 'Love little Port' - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Eros island (Daskalio) - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Hey Kitty Kitty - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Sunset... - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Blue hour - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Cat night shoot... (Dream low iso...) - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Hello Kitty - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Litle Boat... - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Path View to the Sea - Poros Greece
Dimtze: Historic Buildings - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Historic Buildings - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Historic Buildings - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Historic Buildings - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: Blue - Poros, Greece
Dimtze: The 'Russian Dockyard' - Poros, Greece