Laval Roy: 1.26134 Merle lustré / Turdus serranus serranus / Glossy-black Thrush / Zorzal Negro-Brilloso
IOM60: _5194559-WK
yvescourt123: Chardonneret !
wkmercerlaw: SNOW IN FLORIDA
birdmanron: Bonelli,s Eagle Pinilla De Fermoselle Spain May 2017
enneafive: Eye to the Sun
Tero Karppinen: [Small Fungi 103 | 20241114-A6507815.JPG]
Bernie Duhamel: Atlantic Puffin - Flight[Explored]
bebert37: DSCN0809
Tanja Blind: Bluthänfling - linnet - linaria cannabina
Teemu Paukamainen: Halla - OM533991-edit2
Vicente Camacho Lozano: Mirlo común - Turdus merula - macho
morlokiano: Golondrina Hausrotschwanz - Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Tarin des pins / Pine Siskin / (Spinus pinus)
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Colibri à gorge rubis / Ruby-throated Hummingbird / (Archilocus colubris)
yvescourt123: Pic chevelu !
holgerreinert: junge Beutelmeise
Rafa Graf: Busqueret de cap negre (f)
Rafa Graf: Tord
Rafa Graf: Cadernera
Rafa Graf: Milà reial
Rafa Graf: Milà reial
tromanph: Sofia
tromanph: Nina
pedro lastra: Yellow Rumped Warbler in flight at Wakodahatchee Wetlands.