gerihatric: DSC00293
gerihatric: DSC06980 Splish! Splash!
gerihatric: Photo Story...2of4
gerihatric: DSC06101 Macro birding
gerihatric: DSC06065 Quiet please!
gerihatric: DSC05464 Goldfinches galore
gerihatric: DSC05645 First visitor of the year!
gerihatric: DSC05794 A flicker for Flickr!
gerihatric: DSC05523 Rare feeder visitor
gerihatric: DSC05483 Blue Jay
gerihatric: DSC01229 Red Poll visit
gerihatric: DSC03583 Purple Finch
gerihatric: DSC04381 White throated Sparrow
gerihatric: Junco (revisited)
gerihatric: DSC03682 Eastern Towhee
gerihatric: Do you mind!
gerihatric: Oh Oh!
gerihatric: Tufted titmouse