clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki plays trains ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Kato is waiting to come inside...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki's waiting to come in
clairebear-the exton gardener: Cat in ... cat out...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki appreciates a freshly mown lawn ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki and the Chinese elm
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki takes up knitting
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki came to help me weed the garden
clairebear-the exton gardener: The magic 'nip ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: I've just realised that Kato wears a white bandanna ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: They were so glad to see us home
clairebear-the exton gardener: Kato was just not interested
clairebear-the exton gardener: The cats have been helping me in the garden...
clairebear-the exton gardener: ... and then it rained ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Turn off the heat mum!
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki is finding the heat trying ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: Miki meets the new kitty
clairebear-the exton gardener: Happy 2012 everyone!