clairebear-the exton gardener: A different perspective
clairebear-the exton gardener: We've moved the solar collector
clairebear-the exton gardener: Serratula tinctoria
clairebear-the exton gardener: Meadow Argus butterflies on sedum
clairebear-the exton gardener: Setting up for some wedding photos
clairebear-the exton gardener: In the midst of the festivities ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: There was a wedding in our garden ...
clairebear-the exton gardener: The cats have been helping me in the garden...
clairebear-the exton gardener: "The Drunken Choirboy"
clairebear-the exton gardener: Don't point that finger at me!
clairebear-the exton gardener: It's never been so good!
clairebear-the exton gardener: Ya gotta love spring
clairebear-the exton gardener: The first day of spring