catinlap: fall toss
catinlap: cute couple
catinlap: Happy Bone
catinlap: goofin'
catinlap: good times
catinlap: What? Where?
catinlap: YOU!
catinlap: the coup de gras
catinlap: so, how's yer aspen?
catinlap: His favorite disc, too
catinlap: ...and the toss!
catinlap: TheOrris lines up...
catinlap: Strangely optimistic
catinlap: critter on hole #9
catinlap: Sahara Disc Golf
catinlap: posing with the basket
catinlap: close,, but not in
catinlap: nice form
catinlap: showing off her new discs
catinlap: practicing in the park
catinlap: Fun times!
catinlap: lightsaber is ready...
catinlap: G-friend takes it to the 'Tude
catinlap: I don't think you made it.
catinlap: TheOrris Golfs
catinlap: oldy but goody
catinlap: good ol' hole #6
catinlap: takin it to the 'Tude
catinlap: It's that time again!