GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): Happy "Spring-morning-little-singers"- Sunday =^-^=
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): "I guess..shshshshhshsh"
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): "Next time, it will be a real wild ride in the fields..."
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): I caught Meg asking Montana if baby Max will stay...
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): Happy Holiday to all of you & your folks..
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): Stella, watching carefully Max trying to catch the cat ... And Meg, still singing Christmas carols all days long.. ;-)
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): Just before the family picture..
GILBERT's daughter ( --funambule-- ): Winter girls & a boy 🐱