LindaDLR: Week 19/52 Window Light
LindaDLR: Week 14/52 Fusion - Squinkie Pods
LindaDLR: Week 13/52 Just For Fun
LindaDLR: Week 10/52 Childhood Toys - Operation
LindaDLR: Week 8/52 View From Here - Outside Our Tahoe Cabin Window
LindaDLR: Week 7/52 Open Your Heart - Chocolate!
LindaDLR: Week 6/52 Words of Endearment
LindaDLR: Week 5/52 Muse - Macro Nature
LindaDLR: Week 4/52 Soothing Repetition - Tissue holder
LindaDLR: Week 3/52 Shades of Gray - Word of the Year
LindaDLR: Week 2/52 Illustrate A Song - My Favorite Things
LindaDLR: Week 1/52 Something Around the House
LindaDLR: Week 20/52 Spring Fever
LindaDLR: Week 25/52 Crave
LindaDLR: Week 29/52 Get In Close
LindaDLR: Week 30/52 A Letter of the Alphabet - M
LindaDLR: Week 31/52 Sky Over the Dish
LindaDLR: Week 32/52 My Favorite Time of Day