cdb07: Jenny Wren (Female)
cdb07: Blue Wren (Male)
cdb07: Willy Wag-Tail
cdb07: Willy Wag-Tail on post
cdb07: Willy Wag-Tail on stump
cdb07: Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
cdb07: Australian Rainbow Lorikeet in a flowering eucalypt tree
cdb07: Mr. Magpie
cdb07: Reflections ...
cdb07: Moorhen
cdb07: Tern in Flight
cdb07: Exultation
cdb07: Pelican family
cdb07: Gannet
cdb07: Stepping Out
cdb07: Black Swan
cdb07: Young male Superb Fairy Wren
cdb07: A windswept coastal Wren
cdb07: Wren in Winter Sunshine
cdb07: Wren in Dappled Sunshine
cdb07: Peeping Wren
cdb07: Female Superb Fairy Wren in Winter Sunshine
cdb07: Male Superb Fairy Wren
cdb07: Little Wattlebird in the Banksia
cdb07: Two in the Bush
cdb07: Wren Beside the Sea
cdb07: Wren in winter sunshine beside the sea
cdb07: Brown Thornbill in a Sheoak Tree