iain.davidson100: 40 DSC_0008 Wetlands south of Brisbane
iain.davidson100: 38 20241129_140424 Angourie beach flower on shrub
iain.davidson100: 53 20241208_180433 And enjoy the caroling season db
iain.davidson100: 54 20241209_060543 Galahs in a dead tree at dawn db
iain.davidson100: 55 DSC_0003 Yellow kangaroo paw and Gaura white flowers db
iain.davidson100: 56 DSC_0001 the first chilles db
iain.davidson100: 57 20241210_083853 Blue white and yellow
iain.davidson100: 59 DSC_0001 Jacaranda in Teacher's College db
iain.davidson100: 60 DSC_0002 Dogwood in Teacher's College db
iain.davidson100: 61 DSC_0003 Fasces on the drainpipe in the Teacher's College db
iain.davidson100: 62 20241211_100645 The flower of the succulent db
iain.davidson100: 63 DSC_0004 The Lillies of the field not sowing nor reaping cropped db
iain.davidson100: 64 20241211_105654 Lilly cropped db
iain.davidson100: 65 DSC_0003 into the heart of the lilly db
iain.davidson100: 66 20241212_180253 Old Law, Protestants and Catholics.
iain.davidson100: 67 20241212_175719 White Agapanthus db
iain.davidson100: 68 20241210_180341 Jacaranda, cypress, Teacher's College and Dogwood db
iain.davidson100: 69 20241210_180516 Rose in the Teacher's College db
iain.davidson100: 70 DSC_0001 that puts the Lilly in a different light portrait db
iain.davidson100: 71 Tenterfield Creek Bridge 15 Dec 2024
iain.davidson100: 72 DSC_0007 yellow flower, Coreopsis, maybe with a beefly, Poecilanthrax tegminipennis, or the Australian equivalent cropped db
iain.davidson100: 73 20241215_115750 Aboriginal Art on Toilet block in Warragara
iain.davidson100: 74 DSC_0010 Tenterfield Bridge Northern collapse
iain.davidson100: 75 DSC_0023 sculpture by Eric Green at Dalveen park cropped db
iain.davidson100: 76 20241215_163232 sculpture at bottom of Kulgun Park
iain.davidson100: 77 20241215_164125 Yellow Grevillea db
iain.davidson100: 78 20241215_184532 Evening light above the City of Brisbane from Kelvin Grove cropped
iain.davidson100: 79 DSC_0005 Cunningham's Gap after rain
iain.davidson100: 80 20241216_102519 Kulgun Park cropped with a sculpture at the end of the avenue
iain.davidson100: 81 20241215_164209 Pink Grevillea and grass trees cropped