liza and co.: my nyumba (home)
liza and co.: where i sleep
liza and co.: ridges are everywhere
liza and co.: a chibinga vula (rainbow!)
liza and co.: homemade mask
liza and co.: in the kitchen
liza and co.: wamama chavula
liza and co.: a boy and his mbuzi (goat)
liza and co.: mountains around rumphi
liza and co.: the library
liza and co.: or nyumba ya mabuku ("house of books")
liza and co.: part of the "classroom beautification project"
liza and co.: kids from the nursery
liza and co.: agogo (grandmother)
liza and co.: kids fix bikes here too!
liza and co.: omega plays bawo
liza and co.: mbuzi everywhere
liza and co.: headed to the munda (garden)
liza and co.: on the road