CheepShot: Mr Bubbles
CheepShot: Eastern Screech Owl
CheepShot: Pirate Barred Owl with escort
CheepShot: Working on the high notes?
CheepShot: Hooded Mergansers
CheepShot: Winter Wren-Male
CheepShot: Northern Harrier
CheepShot: Northern Harrier
CheepShot: Great Blue Heron
CheepShot: Juvenile Bald Eagle
CheepShot: Great Blue Heron
CheepShot: Unusual Mutt Duck
CheepShot: Northern Pintail
CheepShot: Northern Pintail Duck
CheepShot: Juvenile Bald Eagle
CheepShot: Sharp Shinned Hawk
CheepShot: Golden Crowned Kinglet
CheepShot: Great Black Backed Gull
CheepShot: Northern Shovelers
CheepShot: Northern Shovelers
CheepShot: American Tree Sparrow
CheepShot: Hooded Mergansers
CheepShot: Common Loon
CheepShot: Common Loon
CheepShot: Cormorants
CheepShot: Yellow-Throated Warbler
CheepShot: Yellow-Throated Warbler
CheepShot: Red-Breasted Nuthatch
CheepShot: Piping Plover
CheepShot: Ruby-Crowned Kinglet