binyamin ben youssouf:
mitte, nossa janelinha
binyamin ben youssouf:
topo do berliner ensemble, friederichstrasse
binyamin ben youssouf:
friederichstrasse, bode museum
binyamin ben youssouf:
bertoldo e ela
binyamin ben youssouf:
ela e bertoldo
binyamin ben youssouf:
where ends meet
binyamin ben youssouf:
do lado do reichstag
binyamin ben youssouf:
kreuzberg, fim de tarde
binyamin ben youssouf:
squat building, mitte
binyamin ben youssouf:
attention to the poster of the burger store
binyamin ben youssouf:
esquina de outro mundo
binyamin ben youssouf:
cinema nacional, ou melhor, kino kosmos, karl marx alée
binyamin ben youssouf:
de frente pro kosmos
binyamin ben youssouf:
kino international, berlim oriental