Middle E: Crossing to Santa Cruz Island from Baltra
Middle E: Giant tortoise at the Rancho Primicias Reserve
Middle E: Giant tortoise
Middle E: Baby giant tortoise
Middle E: Huge giant tortoise
Middle E: Lava lizard at Charles Darwin Research Station
Middle E: Crew of Isabela II (guides Luis, Johan and Dennis on right)
Middle E: Bartholomew Island
Middle E: Lava heron near Bartholomew Island (Isabela II behind)
Middle E: Galapagos penuin near Bartholomew Island
Middle E: Galapagos penguin
Middle E: On land at Bartholomew Island
Middle E: On Bartholomew Island
Middle E: High point (~300') on Bartholomew Island
Middle E: Lava cactus
Middle E: Climbing to the high point
Middle E: Stairs to the high point
Middle E: Climbing higher
Middle E: Santiago Island in the distance from the high point
Middle E: Santiago Island from Bartholomew high point
Middle E: Boats in the water
Middle E: Sea lion on Bartholomew
Middle E: Sea lion near the dock on Bartholomew Island
Middle E: Snoozing on the Zodiac
Middle E: Bartholomew Island from Santiago (not our boat)
Middle E: Hiking across the lava on Santiago Island
Middle E: Blue-footed booby on Bartholomew Island
Middle E: Blue-footed booby
Middle E: Blue-footed booby
Middle E: Landing on Santa Cruz Island for the hike to Dragon Hill