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Boiling Lake 7/20-22/2022 by Middle E
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Middle E
Flowery meadow
Middle E
Back end of Cheops (c)
Middle E
Lower Eagle Lk. from Horsehead Pass
Middle E
Cheops from Horsehead Pass
Middle E
Boiling Lake from Horsehead Pass
Middle E
Old Maid Mtn.
Middle E
Boiling Lake
Middle E
Middle E
Look south from the saddle on Old Maid
Middle E
Rocky ridge to Old Maid
Middle E
Star and Oval among others
Middle E
Cheops (l) and Martin (c)
Middle E
Meadow approaching Cheops
Middle E
Another meadow approaching Cheops
Middle E
View from the meadow (Bonanza behind)
Middle E
Bigelow from the saddle
Middle E
Looking into Hoodoo Basin
Middle E
Route up Cheops (not taken)
Middle E
Cub Lake on the way to Chipmunk Pass
Middle E
Dry Lake basin from Chipmunk Pass
Middle E
Old Maid Mtn. from Chipmunk Pass
Middle E
Last view of Boiling Lake