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Sacagawea, Pomp and Hardscrabble 6/26/2022 by Middle E
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Middle E
Sacagawea (l) and Pomp (r)
Middle E
Upper basin and the saddle between Sacagawea and Pomp
Middle E
Sacagawea from the saddle
Middle E
Looking north from Sacagawea to Pomp and Hardscrabble
Middle E
Looking south to Bridger Pk from Hardscrabble
Middle E
Goat on Sacagawea
Middle E
Lots of green, Abarokas in the distance
Middle E
Looking down to Fairy Lake while ascending Pomp
Middle E
Pomp on the right and Hardscrabble in the distance
Middle E
Sacagawea from Pomp
Middle E
Final ridge to Hardscrabble
Middle E
Goat on the snow
Middle E
Goat on the skyline
Middle E
Fairy Lake from Hardscrabble
Middle E
Looking north from Hardscrabble
Middle E
Goat on the summit
Middle E
Closer view of Fairy Lake
Middle E
1963 summit shot on Sacagawea