EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Madison, Dr. Pepper
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Dawson, Budweiser Beer
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Poala, Gulf Gasoline and Oil
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Farley, Cola-Cola
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Marine on St. Croix, Pepsi-Cola (20,251)
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Durham County, Mail Pouch (21,017)
EC Leatherberry: Georgia, Crawford County, Tops Sweet Snuff (Royal Crown Cola) (21,019)
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Clinton, Pennzoil
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Currie, Royal Crown Cola (20,221)
EC Leatherberry: South Carolina, Beaufort County, Royal Crown and Moon Pie (20,220)
EC Leatherberry: Iowa, Colo, Red Crown Power Mileage- Standard Oil, Reed Oil Company, Red Crown Gasoline (21,402)
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Oxford, Radio Station WOXF/Granville Locker Plant
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Clay Center, Sunrise Motel, "Time To Rest"