EC Leatherberry: Alabama, Cullman, G. W. Ponder (15,917)
EC Leatherberry: Alabama, Cullman, Ratliff Grocery Co., Jim Dandy Feeds / Yukon's Best Flour (15,918)
EC Leatherberry: Arkansas, Berryville, Gentry's Grocery
EC Leatherberry: Arkansas, Brinkley, Langley Food Warehouse (15,922)
EC Leatherberry: Grocer: Hebl and Chadwick Grocery and Meat Center, Wisconsin, Mazomanie (7,169)
EC Leatherberry: Indiana, Frankfort, W.M. Shafor & Co. Wholesale Grocers/Mail Pouch (15,911)
EC Leatherberry: Iowa, Clinton, G. F. Swift & Co., "Fresh Meat & Provisions" (15,904)
EC Leatherberry: Iowa, Davenport, Nash Finch Co. (15,915)
EC Leatherberry: Iowa, Rockford (15,916)
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Lawrence, Theo. Poehler Mercantile Co. Wholesale Grocers
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Wichita, Cox Produce Co. Inc. (15,914)
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Wichita, Wholesale Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (15,913)
EC Leatherberry: Kentucky, Lousiville, Fort Nelson Wholesale Grocers & Provisions, J. Zinsmeister & Bro. (15,908)
EC Leatherberry: Kentucky, Paducah, Boyles Brokerage Co. (15,919)
EC Leatherberry: Louisiana, Mansfield, L. J. Ferrell and Sons
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Jordon, Pekarna Meats, "Famous for Home Made Sausages" (15,905)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Minneapolis, Ambassador Sausage Corp. (Gone)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, Moose Lake, The Fair Store, Groceries and Vegetables
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, J. H. Allen and Company (15,903)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, C.E. Eschbach Meats (15,907)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, Foley Brothers & Co., Fort Snelling Brand, Gopher Brand Pure Food Products (15,920-15,921)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, Fort Snelling Brand (15,921)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, Gopher Brand Pure Food Products (15,820)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, Stan. Jambor Meats & Groceries (15,815)
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Kansas City, Ryley, Wilson & Company, Grocers
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Springfield, Springfield Grocer Company
EC Leatherberry: Oklahoma, Guthrie, Coyle & Smith Wholesale Grocers
EC Leatherberry: Oklahoma, Pauls Valley, Pennington Grocery Co., etc.
EC Leatherberry: South Carolina, Lake City, Carter & Sims Co. (Restored Advertisement)
EC Leatherberry: Texas, Fort Worth, Post Office, Grocery and Market