EC Leatherberry: Alabama, Heflin, RCA - Whirlpool Appliances
EC Leatherberry: Colorado, Pueblo, GE Motors (21,104)
EC Leatherberry: Florida, Clewiston, GE Appliances (Gone) (21,105)
EC Leatherberry: Florida, Titusville, Hotpoint Appliances (21,101)
EC Leatherberry: Georgia, Cordele, Hotpoint Appliances (21,108)
EC Leatherberry: Illinois, Altona, GE Applicance; Andrews Implements
EC Leatherberry: Illinois, Vandalia, Zenith/Clymer T. V.
EC Leatherberry: Indiana, Fort Wayne, GE- General Electric
EC Leatherberry: Kansas, Dodge City, GE Applaince, Fergerson's
EC Leatherberry: Kentucky, Shebyville, Biagi's Frigidaire (21,107)
EC Leatherberry: Minnesota, St. Paul, Jimmy's Television Service (Gone)
EC Leatherberry: Mississippi, West Point, Kellogg Hardware- Speed Queen, Hotpoint
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Nevada, Thorpe's Radio, Television (Gone) (21,110)
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Stanberry, GE Appliances
EC Leatherberry: Missouri, Windsor, GE Appliances, Windsor Furniture Co. (21,109)
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Fairmont, Hotpoint Appliances (Gone) (21,113)
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Greensboro, Al's TV & Appliance (21,114)
EC Leatherberry: North Carolina, Kinston, GE Appliances (21,106)
EC Leatherberry: Oklahoma, Boise City, GE Radio, Television, Appliances
EC Leatherberry: Tennessee, Newport, General Electric Appliances and Television (21,112)
EC Leatherberry: Texas, Lockhart, Frigidaire (21,102)
EC Leatherberry: Texas, Lockhart, Maytag Appliances (21,103)
EC Leatherberry: Texas, Taylor, Frigidaire/Maytag Appliances (21,111)
EC Leatherberry: Virginia, Farmville, GE
EC Leatherberry: Wisconsin, Superior, East End Radio Shop
EC Leatherberry: Wisconsin, Superior, East End Radio Shop- TV-Radio Service, and Philco Service