EC Leatherberry:
Alabama, Attalla, Stone Department Store
EC Leatherberry:
Alabama, Piedmont, Steward's 10 Cent Store (16,625)
EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Bentonville, Walton's 5-10 (7,411)
EC Leatherberry:
California, Oakland, Newberry (7,419)
EC Leatherberry:
Florida, Key West
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Braselteon, Braselton Brothers, Inc
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Savannah, Silvers 5-10 & $1.00 Stores (7,404)
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Savannah, Silvers 5-10 & $1.00 Stores (7,404-2)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Martinsville, Kivett's 5 & 10 Store (7,408)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Martinsville, Kivett's 5 & 10 Store (7,408b)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Plymouth, Montgomery Ward; Pilot News (7,421)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Richmond, Kresge
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Richmond, Kresge's
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Chariton, Ben Franklin 5-10 (7,409) (Gone)
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Lime Springs, The Leader (7,407) (21,351)
EC Leatherberry:
Kentucky, Maysville, Montgomery Ward (7,417)
EC Leatherberry:
Kentucky, Paris, J. J. Newberry Co.; Ardery's Antiques (7,401)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Sandstone, Ben Franklin
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, St. Paul, F. W. Woolworth Co. (7,410)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Wabasha, Gambles
EC Leatherberry:
Missouri, Mount Vernon, Ben Franklin (7,415)
EC Leatherberry:
Missouri, Mount Vernon, Ben Franklin (7,415b)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Asheville, The Leader (21,363)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Denton, M. A. Pickett Stores, 5 & 10 / Dept. Stores (7,418) (16,626)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Zebulon, (former) Antone's Dept. Store (7,422)
EC Leatherberry:
Sears, Roebuck and Company Mail-Order Warehouse and Retail Store; Midtown Exchange
EC Leatherberry:
Sears, Roebuck and Company Mail-Order Warehouse and Retail Store; Midtown Exchange
EC Leatherberry:
Sit-In Protest, North Carolina, Greensboro, F. W. Woolworth Store
EC Leatherberry:
Sit-In Protest, North Carolina, Greensboro, F.W. Woolworth Co. (7,405b)
EC Leatherberry:
Sit-In Protest, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, F. W. Woolworth Company (7,420)