EC Leatherberry:
Tenneesee, Nashville, Bruton Snuff (21,002b)
EC Leatherberry:
Tennessee, Nashville, Bruton Snuff (21,002)
EC Leatherberry:
Tennessee, Tazewell, Camel Cigarettes "So Mild, So Good" (21,010)
EC Leatherberry:
South Carolina, Norway, Cavalier Cigarettes, "Extra Mildness" (21,004)
EC Leatherberry:
Tennessee, Tazewell, Chesterfield Cigarettes, "21/20 They Satisfy" (21011)
EC Leatherberry:
South Carolina, Norway, Chesterfield Cigarettes (21,003)
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Crawford County, Kool Cigarettes (21,018)
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Crawford County, Sir Walter Raleigh Smoking Tobacco (21,020)
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Crawford County, Tops Sweet Snuff (Royal Crown Cola) (21,019)
EC Leatherberry:
Florida, Tampa, Cuesta-Rey Cigars (21,009)
EC Leatherberry:
Virginia, Richmond, Lucky Strike, "It's Toasted" (21,001)
EC Leatherberry:
South Carolina, Green Pond, Lucky Strike, "Its Toasted" (21,006)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Waverly, Piedmont Cigarettes, "The Cigarette of Quality," (21,013)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Durham County, All Jacks Cigarettes (21,014)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Durham County, L&M Cigarettes (21,015)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Durham County, Lucky Strike (Replica Advertisement) (21,016)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Durham County, Mail Pouch (21,017)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Durham, Bull Durham (21,008)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Roxboro "Sell Your Tobacco In..." (Restored sign) (21,012)
EC Leatherberry:
South Carolina, Green Pond, Hav-A-Tampa Cigar (21,007)
EC Leatherberry:
South Carolina, Norway, Tube Rose Snuff, "Always Mild and Satisfying" (21,005)
EC Leatherberry:
Georgia, Crawford County, Honey Bee Snuff (21,021)
EC Leatherberry:
North Carolina, Oxford