EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Eureka Springs, Queens Ware, Glass Ware and Sash and Doors
EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Eureka Springs, Wall Paper
EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Hope, Cola- Cola / Wilson's Saloon (15,204)
EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Lewiston, Holton Furniture Hardware Co.- Whirlpool Appliances / Victor TV
EC Leatherberry:
Arkansas, Lewisville, Haltom Furniture Hardware Company, Whirlpool Appliances / Victor TV
EC Leatherberry:
British Columbia, Vancouver, Pekin Chop Suey House
EC Leatherberry:
Colorado, Denver, Dealer, Studebaker Carriages and Buggies
EC Leatherberry:
Illinois, Elkhart, "$3.50 & $4.00"
EC Leatherberry:
Illinois, Olney (Lots of stuff and Eagle Stamps)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Madison, W. H. Miller and Son Planing Mill
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Sheridan, "Eyesore" (8,019)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Spencer, Local and Long Distance Telephone (18,305)
EC Leatherberry:
Indiana, Vincennes, Quaker (Oats) / Battle Ax / Mail Pouch
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Clarinda, 5 cents, "The Sole of Honor" (16,426)
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Fort Dodge, Monarch Telephone Manufacturing Company
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Nashau, Eck & Getsch Land Co.
EC Leatherberry:
Iowa, Nashau, Eck (& Getsch Land Co.)
EC Leatherberry:
Kansas, Galena, Troy Steam Laundry
EC Leatherberry:
Kansas, Osawaromie, (unknown)
EC Leatherberry:
Kansas, Topeka, "Office"
EC Leatherberry:
Maine, Portland, Williams Brothers
EC Leatherberry:
May 7, 2011 (17) Amtrak's California Zephyr eastbound, Green River, Utah
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Blooming Prairie, Farmer & Merchant State Bank (18,303)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Detroit Lakes, Hartman Hide and Fur Co.
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Duluth, Zenith Machine Co.
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Minneapolis (Unknown)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Aluminum, Bronze-Brass
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Bardwell-Robinson Company, (6,385)
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Commutator Foundry Company
EC Leatherberry:
Minnesota, Owatonna, People's Press, "Owatonna Foremost Advertising -----", (18,302)