Sarah Ross photography:
The Lewis chessmen
Sarah Ross photography:
Blending in with the neighbors
Sarah Ross photography:
They'll kill each other!
Sarah Ross photography:
The Portland Vase
Sarah Ross photography:
Translating from heiroglyphs
Sarah Ross photography:
And here, the pharaoh is saying...
Sarah Ross photography:
Heaven from the Enlightenment
Sarah Ross photography:
Beautiful fabric
Sarah Ross photography:
Colors down the line
Sarah Ross photography:
Longchamp is the new pillow
Sarah Ross photography:
Susan the Gorgon
Sarah Ross photography:
Louise is Hotep
Sarah Ross photography:
Anubis eternal
Sarah Ross photography:
Caesar Sarah
Sarah Ross photography:
Lion Hunting
Sarah Ross photography:
Kisses for the Emperor
Sarah Ross photography:
Time passing it by
Sarah Ross photography:
Life mimicking art
Sarah Ross photography:
Sandwich in the museum caf
Sarah Ross photography:
Caesar Susan
Sarah Ross photography:
Smile touches her eye
Sarah Ross photography:
Fear and loathing in London
Sarah Ross photography:
Hang on, Ethiopia's at war
Sarah Ross photography:
Spitting image, yeah
Sarah Ross photography:
Reflected all around
Sarah Ross photography:
Colossal punch