Meiguoxing: A bird's eye view of China Pavilion for the Shanghai 2010 World Expo 高空鸟瞰上海世博会中国馆
Meiguoxing: Aerial view of Indian Pavilion and Saudi Arabia Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 高空鸟瞰上海世博会印度馆和沙特馆
Meiguoxing: Switzerland Pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会瑞士国家馆
Meiguoxing: Spanish Pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会西班牙国家馆 El Pabellón de España
Meiguoxing: Norway Pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会挪威国家馆
Meiguoxing: Fireworks explode behind the China Pavilion during opening ceremongy of 2010 world expo in Shanghai 上海世博会开幕式烟花映照下的中国馆
Meiguoxing: Fireworks explode over the Expo Performance Centre (L) and the China pavilion (R) during the opening ceremony of the World's Fair in Shanghai 上海世博会开幕式烟花表演
Meiguoxing: Fireworks illuminate the sky over China Pavilion (R) and the Expo Axis (L) during the opening ceremony of the 2010 World Expo on April 30 in Shanghai 上海世博会开幕式焰火表演
Meiguoxing: Fireworks illuminate the sky during the opening ceremony of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai
Meiguoxing: Fireworks and floating lights adorn the Huangpu River site for the opening ceremony of Expo 2010 Shanghai China 上海世博会开幕式大型灯光喷泉焰火表演
Meiguoxing: Fireworks light up the Shanghai skyline during the opening ceremony of Shanghai World Expo 上海世博会开幕式大型灯光喷泉焰火表演
Meiguoxing: Boats carrying the national flags of participating countries sail past the largest LED screen ever made during the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo 上海世博会开幕式大型灯光喷泉焰火表演
Meiguoxing: Performers participate at the opening ceremony of the World Expo in Shanghai 演员在演唱上海世博会主题歌《致世博》
Meiguoxing: Performances at the opening ceremongy of 2010 World Expo in Shanghai 上海世博会开幕式在上海世博园世博文化中心举行
Meiguoxing: Performances at the opening ceremongy of Shanghai 2010 World Expo 上海世博会开幕式在上海世博园世博文化中心举行
Meiguoxing: Shanghai stages largest pyrotechnics show of all time to open World Expo 上海世博会开幕式超炫烟火秀
Meiguoxing: The Most Fantastic: Polish Pavilion at the site of Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会波兰馆 Polski Pawilon na EXPO 2010 w Szanghaju
Meiguoxing: Russia Pavilion at the Shanghai 2010 World Expo Site 上海世博会俄罗斯馆 Русский павильон на ЭКСПО-2010 в Шанхай
Meiguoxing: Russian Pavilion at the site of the Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会俄罗斯国家馆 Русский павильон на ЭКСПО-2010 в Шанхай
Meiguoxing: Brazil Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo site 上海世博会巴西馆 Pavilhão do Brasil na Expo Xangai 2010
Meiguoxing: A night view of Japanese Pavilion at the site of Shanghai World Expo 上海万博の「日本館」 上海世博会日本馆
Meiguoxing: The Partner Robot from Toyota plays the violin in Japan Pavilion at the Shanghai 2010 World Expo site 上海万博の日本館で、バイオリンを演奏する二足歩行のロボット
Meiguoxing: The Most Advanced: Japan Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo 上海万博の「日本館」 上海世博会日本国家馆
Meiguoxing: The Most Entertaining: Canada Pavilion at the Shanghai 2010 World Expo site 上海世博会加拿大馆 Le pavillon du Canada à l'Expo de Shanghai
Meiguoxing: German Pavilion at the site of Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会德国馆 Der deutsche Pavillon auf der Expo 2010
Meiguoxing: Australia Pavilion at the site of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo 上海世博会澳大利亚馆
Meiguoxing: Seed Cathedral - UK pavilion at the site of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai 上海世博会英国馆
Meiguoxing: Estonia Pavilion at the site of Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博会爱沙尼亚馆 Eesti paviljon EXPO maailmanäitusel Shanghais
Meiguoxing: Philippine pavilion at the site of 2010 Shanghai World Expo 上海世博会菲律宾国家馆
Meiguoxing: Happy Street - The Netherlands pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 上海世博园荷兰馆 Nederlands paviljoen