notrufus: Capelet Comparison RB2 vs RB3
notrufus: Dream Jacket Comparison
notrufus: Jackie Shirt Compare 2
notrufus: Jackie Shirt Compare 1
notrufus: Jackie Mis-Shaped
notrufus: Vulcan Mind Meld Gone Wrong
notrufus: Full Body Mergers
notrufus: TC Skeleton Shot
notrufus: TC Floating
notrufus: Warp and TC Floating
notrufus: Warp Floating
notrufus: TC Floating on Knees
notrufus: No Knees!
notrufus: TC Ruffle Clipping
notrufus: Morgan Ain't Happy
notrufus: Jade Pouty With Clipping
notrufus: Warp Singing wtih Clipping
notrufus: Warp with some Issues
notrufus: Morgan Full Shoulder Clip
notrufus: Morgan Shoulder Clip and Bunch
notrufus: Morgan No Clipping Side
notrufus: Morgan No Clipping
notrufus: Sinking Feeling
notrufus: More Knee Issues & Mic Stand Impalement
notrufus: Diaper Wear
notrufus: Dream Belt Issue
notrufus: Unnatural Bends
notrufus: Skye Leg Clipping
notrufus: Knee Clipping 4
notrufus: Skye Arm and Hand Issues