monkeywithastungun: MdS_Pit stop en route to the first camp - this was to become a common sight
monkeywithastungun: MdS Tent 84
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Tent 84 - home sweet home
monkeywithastungun: MdS_scorpion
monkeywithastungun: MdS_first day in camp
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Ed trying on his gaiters for the first time
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Ed on the first morning
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_first morning, in full kit
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Me and Ed, first morning
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Sandstorm hits camp
monkeywithastungun: MdS_Tent 84 during a sandstorm
monkeywithastungun: MdS_The Tent 84 Rat Pack
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 0_Me and Ed enjoy a small sandstorm
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Ed
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_Ed's reaction when we realised that we were going over that thing, not around it...
monkeywithastungun: MdSDay 1_Ed on the decscent from the plateau
monkeywithastungun: MdS D1_Ed on the decscent from the plateau 2
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 2_Phil, Kevin and Ed discussing plans for dinner
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 2_Dairmuid and Garrett
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 1_another sandstorm...
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 2_Ed entering the dunes
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 2_running through a small sandstorm
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 4_Kevin
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 2_Garrett
monkeywithastungun: MdS_Day 1_Ed, Rich (Wing Commander) and Garrett (Prada)
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 5_Team Jersey: Me with Mark Peters
monkeywithastungun: MdS Day 3_Recovery tent