measto: Rangoon synagogue
measto: Bagan sunset, Burma
measto: Spidermen, Burma
measto: true identities revealed
measto: boy in yellow boots, Burma
measto: Kids, Burma
measto: train tracks
measto: train station
measto: train station, Burma
measto: water buffalo boy, near Kalaw, Burma
measto: spring store, Rangoon
measto: Fisherman, Inle Lake, Burma
measto: Crossing the viaduct, Burma
measto: Graffiti, Malang Indonesia
measto: Cemetery, East Java
measto: Satay vendor, Madura, Indonesia
measto: Performing Monkey, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
measto: biltong vendor dancing with clowns at Tuku's birthday (Zimbabwe)
measto: Makassar harbor, Indonesia
measto: Bogota street
measto: Bogota square
measto: keyhole (Mexico)
measto: Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin
measto: Broderick at Upper Lake of Glendalough, Ireland
measto: Second line (funeral for the Saints losing streak), New Orleans
measto: Outside of Pienza, Tuscany
measto: Tuscany
measto: Duomo fresco close-up, Florence
measto: Voters, Rolpa, Nepal