SK Monos: Old man of the forest
SK Monos: Mongoose
SK Monos: Giraffe
SK Monos: Languid giant
SK Monos: Mandrill
SK Monos: Otter 3
SK Monos: Otter 1
SK Monos: Otter 2
SK Monos: Meerkat, watching
SK Monos: heading home
SK Monos: Majesty:Study of a White Bengal Tiger
SK Monos: Wisdom: Study of an Orangutan.
SK Monos: Humility: Study of a giraffe
SK Monos: Survivor: Study of a Jackal
SK Monos: Maturity: Study of a rhinoceros
SK Monos: Dignity: Study of an Ape
SK Monos: Experience: Study of an elephant