Valson93: For the love of Ingeborg (Major Ercole Francesco Gustavo Ercole from 2nd Bersaglieri Regiment) by E. Becocci
Valson93: "For the love of Ingeborg (Major Ercole Francesco Gustavo Ercole from 2nd Bersaglieri Regiment) by E. Becocci" reverse
Valson93: Antonio Neri, 1915
Valson93: Italian soldiers by Fotografia Radium
Valson93: Bersagliere
Valson93: Foto 1915/1918 da "Il Giornale"
Valson93: Bersaglieri
Valson93: Italian Officer
Valson93: Lieutenant with a 38 cm shell
Valson93: Santuario della Madonna Addolorata di Merna, Monte Grado
Valson93: Italian war cemetery
Valson93: Italian war cemetery
Valson93: Convoy
Valson93: Artillerymen
Valson93: "Artillerymen" reverse
Valson93: The cannon
Valson93: Artillerymen
Valson93: Crashed Austrian plane
Valson93: Crashed Hansa-Brandenburg C.I 26.04 near Aiello del Friuli
Valson93: Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war
Valson93: 305/17 howitzer
Valson93: Cannone da 75/27 modello 11
Valson93: The Mad Hatter, the soldiers and two beautiful ladies
Valson93: "The Mad Hatter, the soldiers and two beautiful ladies" reverse