Hollywata: last color
Hollywata: the whole family
Hollywata: Autumn in the Garden
Hollywata: last rites
Hollywata: Autumn
Hollywata: Japanese Garden November
Hollywata: evergreen
Hollywata: Japanese Garden
Hollywata: red leaf
Hollywata: Redundancy
Hollywata: Japanese Garden closed
Hollywata: dancing in the sky
Hollywata: leaves, bark and moss
Hollywata: reflections
Hollywata: thwarted photographers
Hollywata: Early Fall
Hollywata: dreams
Hollywata: depth
Hollywata: gravity, light and color
Hollywata: Red and green
Hollywata: upwardly mobile
Hollywata: Park Ghosts
Hollywata: the boys
Hollywata: some stairs and some windows
Hollywata: chained to pain
Hollywata: Autumn walk
Hollywata: Autumn at the Arboretum
Hollywata: Autumn at the Arboretum
Hollywata: uhh ohh
Hollywata: Episcopalian Church