John E. Morrow: Wissahickon Creek Fairmount Park
John E. Morrow: The Wissahickon
John E. Morrow: schist outcrop, Wissahickon
John E. Morrow: creekside
John E. Morrow: Cresheim Creek, Wissahickon
John E. Morrow: across at Valley Green Inn
John E. Morrow: The Inn, Forbidden Drive, Wissahickon
John E. Morrow: my sister's neighborhood, fingered
John E. Morrow: sis' house aglow in the neighborhood
John E. Morrow: Christmastime glow
John E. Morrow: Ridley Creek, Ridley Creek State Park, PA
John E. Morrow: Ridley Creek running high
John E. Morrow: old beech and oak tree banks
John E. Morrow: Bridle Trail. Ridley Creek State Park, PA
John E. Morrow: Beech forest
John E. Morrow: sidestream
John E. Morrow: open understory beech forest
John E. Morrow: nightmare tangle, what is this?
John E. Morrow: clear cut in a state park?