John E. Morrow: for another time Peak 3318
John E. Morrow: South side Boundary Cone
John E. Morrow: those later
John E. Morrow: Up to the saddle
John E. Morrow: great scrambling
John E. Morrow: and lots of it
John E. Morrow: fun exposed piece
John E. Morrow: Peaks 3360 and 2880 next
John E. Morrow: Mt Nutt Wilderness
John E. Morrow: Class 5.0 descent variation
John E. Morrow: the easier way
John E. Morrow: 3360 and 2880
John E. Morrow: key notch low on ridge
John E. Morrow: great country
John E. Morrow: key gully to notch
John E. Morrow: Boundary Cone rises
John E. Morrow: knife edge
John E. Morrow: fantastic Class 3 route
John E. Morrow: SE Ridge just great
John E. Morrow: more of it
John E. Morrow: look back again
John E. Morrow: love this place
John E. Morrow: the easy east slope descent
John E. Morrow: 3380 and route on skyline
John E. Morrow: scrambling 2280
John E. Morrow: descending 2280, really loose
John E. Morrow: hugged the left edge of slope
John E. Morrow: vandals on quads