John E. Morrow: Mansard Trail
John E. Morrow: Unnamed Navajo pinnacle
John E. Morrow: scarlet gilia?
John E. Morrow: Mansard Benchmark
John E. Morrow: traversing around Mansard BM
John E. Morrow: toward Kanab
John E. Morrow: that Navajo dome/butte next
John E. Morrow: colorful
John E. Morrow: Evening at Coral Pink Dunes
John E. Morrow: windy sand
John E. Morrow: darkness falls
John E. Morrow: love the dunes
John E. Morrow: Trail Canyon
John E. Morrow: Top of trail
John E. Morrow: upper fork
John E. Morrow: down to the forks
John E. Morrow: fork falls
John E. Morrow: another Coral Pink evening
John E. Morrow: water and sand
John E. Morrow: parting shot
John E. Morrow: Cottonwood Canyon and Dunes
John E. Morrow: Distant West Temple
John E. Morrow: Red Knoll North slope