John E. Morrow:
Traverse Route loop from Blue Lake
John E. Morrow:
Approaching Heather Pass
John E. Morrow:
Black Peak in view
John E. Morrow:
Crest and Corteo
John E. Morrow:
Rainy-Frisco, a fun traverse
John E. Morrow:
Porcupine Creek
John E. Morrow:
Big steep peaks
John E. Morrow:
Few visits thus far, Fay
John E. Morrow:
Cutthroat and Whistler
John E. Morrow:
Easy snowfree southside
John E. Morrow:
Tomorrow's traverse straight ahead
John E. Morrow:
Brand spankin' new
John E. Morrow:
west ridge looks fun
John E. Morrow:
Onto west ridge of Blue Lk Pk
John E. Morrow:
Good scramblin'
John E. Morrow:
Moon over Whistler
John E. Morrow:
There's the hopeful exit
John E. Morrow:
Good exit
John E. Morrow:
Famous "cornice" ski slope
John E. Morrow:
North ridge Cornice Pk Class 2
John E. Morrow:
Deer take the easy snow
John E. Morrow:
Great rock
John E. Morrow:
Uh, oh, Class 4 step
John E. Morrow:
Blue Lake route over there
John E. Morrow:
Blue Lake Pk. loose Class 3
John E. Morrow:
A bit more solid
John E. Morrow:
Half way
John E. Morrow:
Posthole Pk. 6751' scary east ridge!
John E. Morrow:
Heart o' the Cascades
John E. Morrow:
North ridge Cornice Pk below