John E. Morrow:
Getting started Rhyolite walls
John E. Morrow:
I like the rocks
John E. Morrow:
Barley Creek Canyon
John E. Morrow:
Starting up Cottonwood Canyon
John E. Morrow:
Spooked this guy
John E. Morrow:
Geting higher into Aspen
John E. Morrow:
Here follows the rain
John E. Morrow:
The rain is gaining!
John E. Morrow:
Another bull
John E. Morrow:
Mt Jefferson across valley
John E. Morrow:
Camp ahead
John E. Morrow:
Another bull! Table Mountain Wilderness, NV
John E. Morrow:
Mosquito Creek
John E. Morrow:
Table Mtn enshrouded
John E. Morrow:
Big Sky; Table Mountain Wilderness, NV
John E. Morrow:
Climbing Table Mountain
John E. Morrow:
Table Mountain Wilderness, NV
John E. Morrow:
I've seen these names!
John E. Morrow:
Black Rock Mtn out there
John E. Morrow:
self timer
John E. Morrow:
Darkness looms
John E. Morrow:
Covering up Jefferson
John E. Morrow:
Dang, time to descend!
John E. Morrow:
Table Mountain Wilderness, NV
John E. Morrow:
John E. Morrow:
Jefferson pops back out
John E. Morrow:
Lees Camp meadow
John E. Morrow:
Basque shepherd
John E. Morrow:
headed out Barley Creek
John E. Morrow:
Big Meadow