Segovia 37: Day 34 - Spode 1
Segovia 37: Day 34 - Spose 2
Segovia 37: As found
Segovia 37: The Big Bird Mug
Segovia 37: West Stoke Window
Segovia 37: Favourite Mugshot
Segovia 37: Salvador Mugshot
Segovia 37: Costa Rica Mugshot
Segovia 37: Still Life with Inverted Mug!
Segovia 37: Innocent Expression
Segovia 37: The Two of Them
Segovia 37: Still Life in Bathroom
Segovia 37: Musical Mug
Segovia 37: Place of Rest
Segovia 37: Self-explanatory
Segovia 37: Friday Image
Segovia 37: Oh dear!
Segovia 37: Kew View
Segovia 37: The World of Nick Parks