Segovia 37:
240109 Passing By
Segovia 37:
Segovia 37:
At the Royal Academy
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240109 Fashion on the Move
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Selling Hats in 2009
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Selling Carpets in Piccadilly
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Selling Carpets 2
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Selling Carpets 3
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Byzantium Underground
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240109 Maintaining Victoria
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Life at Victoria
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Segovia 37:
From the Portrait Gallery 1
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From the Portrait Gallery 2
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Onwards and Upwards
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Monet's Return
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London Eye 1
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The Japanese at Work
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Close Encoun ter 4
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Walking in the Rain
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Londodn Eye 2/Sculpture/Dali/Silhouette/London/Creative
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Londodn Eye 3
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Lake in the Morning
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Regency Canal
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Secret London
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Secret London 2
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London Mystery
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Segovia 37:
Shopping in London
Segovia 37:
Foundling Hospital