wendesu: leucanthemum vulgare
wendesu: viburnum
wendesu: Scarlet Gilia (impomopsis rubra)
wendesu: fern
wendesu: baby fawn love
wendesu: til the clover has lost it's perfume
wendesu: they say you can't see the forest when your there among the trees
wendesu: in the forest today
wendesu: in the forest today
wendesu: blackbird
wendesu: last night's visitors
wendesu: don't make eye contact
wendesu: i found something beautiful...
wendesu: summer's lease hath all too short a date. - William Shakespare
wendesu: someone told me
wendesu: fall treasures
wendesu: roadside
wendesu: oh, sweet nothin'
wendesu: hold on
wendesu: hemlock
wendesu: from the north country
wendesu: somebody was here
wendesu: wild strawberries
wendesu: fox river
wendesu: Bittern