AwFreakOut: The ingrediants. The greedy ants.
AwFreakOut: the berries I use
AwFreakOut: Simmer down, class is about to begin.
AwFreakOut: Pay attention, class!
AwFreakOut: Sit up straight, Frankie!
AwFreakOut: Michael! Wake up!
AwFreakOut: Felicia! I'll take that note you're passing, thenk YUH!
AwFreakOut: And so Cortez and his men....Parker! I see those spitballs!
AwFreakOut: Will whomever took my eraser please bring it forward?
AwFreakOut: Janet, you may go to the principal's office for that remark!
AwFreakOut: At the Battle of the Bulge...Samuel, no snickering please.
AwFreakOut: John and Debbie! I SEE you back there!
AwFreakOut: Now the Vikings...Russell! Kindly return Shannon's books, pen, paper, calculator, and retainer! NOW!
AwFreakOut: That's IT! I've HAD it with ALL of you! Class dismissed!
AwFreakOut: Sunday, 5-13-07
AwFreakOut: 5-13-07
AwFreakOut: 5-13-07
AwFreakOut: 5-13-07
AwFreakOut: 5-16-07
AwFreakOut: Christmas 07
AwFreakOut: 1-24-08
AwFreakOut: 2-3-08
AwFreakOut: Tortellini Spinach Casserole 2-5-08
AwFreakOut: 3-16-08
AwFreakOut: 3-16-08
AwFreakOut: 3-16-08
AwFreakOut: 3-16-08
AwFreakOut: 3-16-08
AwFreakOut: Faux apple pie