VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Chicken-raising farmern, niche No. 20, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Flute-player, niche No. 17, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Drunken husband, niche No. 20, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Government Official, Shimenshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Single-legged God, Shimenshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Bamboo-clapper, niche No. 17, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Bodhisattvas on the right wall of Cave of Full Enlightenment, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Guanyin with a Lotus Shimenshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Three Saints of Huayan School, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Varja Vidyarajas, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Vidyarajas in irritation, Dafowan, Baodingshan
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Guanin with a Mani-Pearl, Beishan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Bodhisattva Manjusri, Cave of Prayer Wheel, Beishan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Guanyin with a Rosary, Beishan (southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Guanyin with a Rosary, Beishan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Bodhisaitava Samantabhadra, Cave of Prayer Wheel, Beishan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Groups 5 and 6, Ritual Site of Taming Buffalo, Dafowan, Baodingshan (southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Cave of King Vaisravana, Beishan (The end of Tang)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Guanyin with Sun and Moon, Cae of Prayer Wheel, Beishan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Pictorial Tansformation of Parental Love Sutra, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Buddhist Wheel of Life, Dafowan, Baodingshan (Southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Cave of Prayer Wheel, Beishan (southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Monk Liu Benzun's Practical Cultivation, Dafowan, Daodingshan (southern Song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Thousand-handed Guanyin, Dafowan, Baodingshan (southern song)
VermontGreenDarner postcards:
Niche of Abitabha Buddha, Dafowan (southern Song)