the fresh aspect: Chrome 2008
the fresh aspect: Salvelinus fontinalis
the fresh aspect: Chromer spots
the fresh aspect: Salvelinus namaycush
the fresh aspect: Down and dirty
the fresh aspect: Lake Sturgeon
the fresh aspect: Coaster Brook Trout
the fresh aspect: Dime Chrome
the fresh aspect: Lake trout on the fly
the fresh aspect: Coho fly time
the fresh aspect: March Chrome
the fresh aspect: lake trout
the fresh aspect: cool factor is high
the fresh aspect: lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
the fresh aspect: Dino from Lake Superior
the fresh aspect: fresh-chrome
the fresh aspect: Salvelinus fontinalis
the fresh aspect: caudal fin
the fresh aspect: brook trout
the fresh aspect: iced-whitefish