Sheila Yoshikawa: Quantitative research
Sheila Yoshikawa: Communicating results
Sheila Yoshikawa: Interview with Towers and Smithy
Sheila Yoshikawa: Eavesdropping
Sheila Yoshikawa: The gang prepare to tp
Sheila Yoshikawa: Induction
Sheila Yoshikawa: Helping with textures
Sheila Yoshikawa: Alane's home
Sheila Yoshikawa: Alane's home
Sheila Yoshikawa: Alane's home
Sheila Yoshikawa: Setup for interviewing
Sheila Yoshikawa: Practice interviewing
Sheila Yoshikawa: Inf104 posters
Sheila Yoshikawa: Tour of Ii seeing inf104 ppts
Sheila Yoshikawa: Tour of the testis
Sheila Yoshikawa: Educational Informatics village 2010
Sheila Yoshikawa: Group photo!
Sheila Yoshikawa: Kev presents
Sheila Yoshikawa: Kenny presents (1st World War Poetry sim)
Sheila Yoshikawa: Moving to Kenny's tent
Sheila Yoshikawa: Rose presents
Sheila Yoshikawa: Over the bridge to another presentation
Sheila Yoshikawa: Flamingos look on
Sheila Yoshikawa: Sarahann presents
Sheila Yoshikawa: Mykel presents
Sheila Yoshikawa: Shawn presents
Sheila Yoshikawa: In Janine's house
Sheila Yoshikawa: EXhibition from BSc Information Management students, using SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy
Sheila Yoshikawa: EXhibition from BSc Information Management students, using SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy
Sheila Yoshikawa: EXhibition from BSc Information Management students, using SCONUL 7 Pillars model of Information Literacy