kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Modern One
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Paolozzi's Master of the Universe
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Paolozzi's Master of the Universe
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: 6 Times Horizon by Gormley
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Graham's Parallelograms (1996)
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Modern Two (Dean Gallery)
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: The Virgin of Alsace
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: National Gallery
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: Princes Street gardens
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Jencks' Landform Ueda
kaysgeog: Glasgow: Kelvingrove
kaysgeog: Glasgow: Kelvingrove
kaysgeog: Glasgow: Hunterian Museum
kaysgeog: Glasgow: GoMA, Illuminated Letters
kaysgeog: Glasgow: GoMA
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Jencks' Landform
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: Princes Street gardens
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: Princes Street gardens
kaysgeog: Oslo: Aker Brygge
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Modern Two (Dean Gallery)
kaysgeog: Edinburgh NGS: Modern One
kaysgeog: Glasgow: People's Palace winter gardens
kaysgeog: Glasgow: People's Palace
kaysgeog: Glasgow: Riverside Museum
kaysgeog: Glasgow: Tall Ship crew quarters
kaysgeog: Edinburgh New Year's Day
kaysgeog: Lewis chess pieces
kaysgeog: Glasgow: People's Palace
kaysgeog: Jackie Stewart's racing car
kaysgeog: St Giles from the Museum of Scotland