kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Parthenhope Paolozzi sculpture
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Paolozzi sculpture
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Paolozzi sculpture
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Egeria Paolozzi sculpture
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: Charteris Land sculpted panels
kaysgeog: Edinburgh: Charteris Land
kaysgeog: Easter Bush: Kelpie macquettes
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Grant Institute relief
kaysgeog: KB campus: 'Agriculture' by Ann Henderson (SRUC relief)
kaysgeog: KB campus: SRUC's Peter Wilson Building
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Parthenhope
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Egeria
kaysgeog: Edinburgh University KB: Ashworth Laboratories and Natural History Museum
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: The Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors
kaysgeog: Edinburgh College of Art: Anish Kapoor's Flashback
kaysgeog: Edinburgh College of Art: Sculpture court gallery
kaysgeog: Edinburgh College of Art: Anish Kapoor's Flashback
kaysgeog: Edinburgh College of Art: Anish Kapoor's Flashback
kaysgeog: Dugald Stewart Building through the iron gateway
kaysgeog: Bristo Square redevelopment
kaysgeog: Bristo Square redevelopment
kaysgeog: Bristo Square redevelopment
kaysgeog: McEwan Hall art project - mid removal
kaysgeog: McEwan Hall art project
kaysgeog: Easter Bush Charnock Bradley building