Doctor Syntax: A Lakeland Beck
Doctor Syntax: A Lakeland Beck
Doctor Syntax: The pack-horse bridge at Watendlath
Doctor Syntax: Aira Force
Doctor Syntax: Tray Dub, Langstrath Beck
Doctor Syntax: Tray Dub, Langstrath Beck
Doctor Syntax: Swan Dub, Langstrath Beck
Doctor Syntax: Blackmoss Pot, Langstrath Beck
Doctor Syntax: Gatesgarthdale Beck
Doctor Syntax: Langstrath Beck
Doctor Syntax: Footbridge at Tray Dub, Langstrath
Doctor Syntax: Yewthwaite Gill
Doctor Syntax: Greendale Gill
Doctor Syntax: One of the Goat Gills
Doctor Syntax: Black Beck
Doctor Syntax: A Lakeland Beck
Doctor Syntax: Sun on Rocks in a Lakeland Beck
Doctor Syntax: The Emerald Pool
Doctor Syntax: Bleamoss Beck
Doctor Syntax: Nether Beck
Doctor Syntax: Over Beck
Doctor Syntax: The River Esk
Doctor Syntax: Goldrill Beck
Doctor Syntax: Tom Gill
Doctor Syntax: Lingmell Beck
Doctor Syntax: Hassnesshow Beck
Doctor Syntax: Black Beck
Doctor Syntax: Black Beck
Doctor Syntax: Mosedale Beck
Doctor Syntax: Sourmilk Gill, Borrowdale