Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Testing new lens
Chronographer_AC: Moon shot
Chronographer_AC: Post processed
Chronographer_AC: Shaken not stir 2021-05-14
Chronographer_AC: 10 seconds delay 2021-05-14
Chronographer_AC: 10 seconds delay 2021-05-14
Chronographer_AC: Post Processed 2021-05-14
Chronographer_AC: 2021-05-15 A cloudy night
Chronographer_AC: 2021-05-16
Chronographer_AC: Across the bay from downtown Corpus
Chronographer_AC: special activity on the day of eclipse
Chronographer_AC: special activity on the day of eclipse
Chronographer_AC: special activity on the day of eclipse
Chronographer_AC: Across the bay from Corpus
Chronographer_AC: Special events on the day of solar eclipse
Chronographer_AC: Wind turbine across the bay from downtown Corpus