Chronographer_AC: New Flower
Chronographer_AC: New Flower
Chronographer_AC: New Flower
Chronographer_AC: Farewell my lemon tree
Chronographer_AC: The female cardinal
Chronographer_AC: It has been raining for two days off and on
Chronographer_AC: It has been raining for two days.
Chronographer_AC: A sharper one
Chronographer_AC: New growth
Chronographer_AC: New growth
Chronographer_AC: Survivor and new resident
Chronographer_AC: Prime of their lives and the tail end.
Chronographer_AC: I think I am getting used to your presence.
Chronographer_AC: Getting ready for building/repair the nest?
Chronographer_AC: Feeding time
Chronographer_AC: Checking out the new food
Chronographer_AC: I think he is harmless.
Chronographer_AC: Before the deep freeze
Chronographer_AC: Before the deep freeze
Chronographer_AC: Rock Pile
Chronographer_AC: Visitor squirrel
Chronographer_AC: I am who I am. Stop typecast me.