Chronographer_AC: Surprised At The Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Canon 60D Video Foucault Pendulum
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly
Chronographer_AC: Butterfly-407 original
Chronographer_AC: Flower Show in the Museum
Chronographer_AC: Flower Show in the Museum
Chronographer_AC: Flower Show in the Museum
Chronographer_AC: Flower Show in the Museum
Chronographer_AC: Flower Show in the Museum
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Afternoon in the Museum of Natural Science
Chronographer_AC: Great!. This is how people are going to remember me....
Chronographer_AC: Old Soldier
Chronographer_AC: At the prime of its life.
Chronographer_AC: I got fooled by you
Chronographer_AC: Picture 1 (9024)
Chronographer_AC: Picture 2 (9025)
Chronographer_AC: Picture 3 (9025 post process 2)