ForestPath: IMG_9931 Delicate blooms
ForestPath: Reading Girl 2 (compr)
ForestPath: IMG_6853 Still Life
ForestPath: IMG_4686 Wild and Crazy Guy!
ForestPath: IMG_3710 Sycamore Through the Trees, Ohio, USA
ForestPath: Garden Entrance
ForestPath: IMG_4180 Bloodroot Blossoms
ForestPath: IMG_8258 Lily Architecture
ForestPath: Wooden Bucket? Maybe..... IMG_2439
ForestPath: Vase with Grass IMG_1435
ForestPath: Neighborhood Garage
ForestPath: IMG_1037 Snow Day
ForestPath: 100_1096 Aug 28 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Visit
ForestPath: Winding Path
ForestPath: IMG_0909 Photographer
ForestPath: Three Giant Hibicus
ForestPath: 100_1386 Barn from Bedroom Window
ForestPath: IMG_8680 Essence of Summertime
ForestPath: Elm Branches in Sunset IMG_2912 (fused)
ForestPath: Indiana Autumn Barn IMG_3096
ForestPath: Simple Peony IMG_8204
ForestPath: Garden Hibiscus Bud IMG_0059
ForestPath: Pansies IMG_3443
ForestPath: Blue Iris Opening Night IMG_8045
ForestPath: Want to have a picnic? 100_0382
ForestPath: Lily Pads 100_6882
ForestPath: 350694014110_2 St. Louis Historic Courthouse, Fountain, Statue
ForestPath: Bleeding Hearts IMG_7066
ForestPath: Gazebo Sunset Glow
ForestPath: GirlInField