ForestPath: IMG_9075 Misty Moisty day here
ForestPath: IMG_8955 Cup in Window (Explored - whoo hoo!)
ForestPath: IMG_8560 Hummingbird Heaven
ForestPath: IMG_8463 If he could learn to love another before the last petal fell... (Explored!)
ForestPath: IMG_1367 Lacy Night Snow (Explored!)
ForestPath: IMG_9211_2 End of Summer Dragonflowers
ForestPath: Hawk in the Clouds
ForestPath: IMG_9295 Praying Mantis #1 Holding Very Still
ForestPath: Winter Rose
ForestPath: IMG_1804 St. Francis
ForestPath: IMG_1675 The Corner
ForestPath: Locust Leaf
ForestPath: IMG_6426_2 Ok, so what's this?
ForestPath: Only a Maiden...
ForestPath: Evening Fence
ForestPath: Mr. Moon, Mr. Moon, You're out too soon....
ForestPath: IMG_4686 Wild and Crazy Guy!
ForestPath: Anemones on Fallen Fence
ForestPath: IMG_7931 Confused Hydrangeas
ForestPath: IMG_7877 Impatiens Flats
ForestPath: Good Fences...
ForestPath: 100_3560 Using Grampa's Brushes
ForestPath: Magnolia Blossom
ForestPath: Inchworm
ForestPath: IMG_0280 Those Autumn Colors
ForestPath: Curved fence and snow IMG_7571
ForestPath: Things to look at in the wintertime - Moss Flowering IMG_7305
ForestPath: Icy Creek pano
ForestPath: Monarch on Stokes Asters IMG_8102_tonemapped
ForestPath: Glenwood Bridge pano